Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Does `import_pages` update pages with no changes?

    Nope! If a page’s content hasn’t changed since the last import, no update is performed. The same goes for images and attachments: they are only updated if they’ve changed. Metro accomplishes this by computing MD5 checksums for new content and storing them as metadata on Confluence for comparison during updates.

  2. What kinds of markup does Metro support?

    Anything in basic Markdown is fair game:

    • Headings (1-6)
    • Bold, _italic_, and monospace text
    • Ordered and unordered lists (try to use + instead of *)
    • Code blocks
    • Links
    • Inlined images (in HTML, for simplicity)
    • Tables (in HTML, to preserve image attributes)
  3. If a page entry in the manifest contains a `parent_id` field and I specify a `parent_id` on the command line, which parent ID “wins”?

    A parent ID specified in a manifest always overrides a parent ID specified from the command line.

Google Docs

  1. How do I make a “code block” in a Google Doc?

    Make a single-cell (1x1) table and use Courier New for the text inside. That table will be converted to a code block.

  2. Some of the headings in the Confluence page for my Google Doc are… off. What’s going on?

    Check the type of headings you used. Metro doesn’t pay attention to font sizes, so if you sized up a smaller heading, that won’t translate.