Metro-Specific Extensions to Markdown

Because Markdown is so spartan in terms of markup features, and because Confluence has some nifty macros we like to use, we have added some metro-specific stuff to Markdown.

  • Info

    • Use > Info: text to place text into a grey Confluence Info block.
    • Alternatively, use ~?text?~.
  • Notes

    • Use > Note: text to place text into a yellow Confluence Note block.
    • Alternatively, use ~!text!~.
  • Warnings

    • Use > Warning: text to place text into a red Confluence Warning block.
    • Alternatively, use ~%text%~.
  • Panels

    • Use > Panel: title to create a Confluence Panel with the given title. Use > text on subsequent lines to put text into the body of the Panel. The Panel is closed with the first line not beginning with >.
  • Collapsible content

    • Use > Expand: title to create a Confluence Expand

      macro with the given title. Use > *text* on subsequent lines to put text into the collapsible portion. The Expand environment is closed with the first line not beginning with >.

    • The title must be text and not a link. You click the title to expand the collapsed content, not to go somewhere.


      Currently, Metro doesn’t support the use of nested Expand macros.

    • If you want a button that expands all Expand macros on your page, you can add one with > ExpandAll.

  • Other HTMLisms (as allowed by standard Markdown):

    • HTML tables
    • HTML anchors. Use <a id=”anchorName”></a> to make one, and make sure you use the Confluence Anchor syntax to link to it (it’s more complicated than you might think).
    • HTML images, links, etc

Let us know if you have problems with anything that you’d expect to work.