========================== Frequently Asked Questions ========================== .. * Copyright (c) 2018, salesforce.com, inc. * All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause 1. **Does `import_pages` update pages with no changes?** Nope! If a page's content hasn't changed since the last import, no update is performed. The same goes for images and attachments: they are only updated if they've changed. Metro accomplishes this by computing MD5 checksums for new content and storing them as metadata on Confluence for comparison during updates. 2. **What kinds of markup does Metro support?** Anything in basic Markdown is fair game: * Headings (1-6) * **Bold**, _italic_, and `monospace` text * Ordered and unordered lists (try to use + instead of \*) * Code blocks * Links * Inlined images (in HTML, for simplicity) * Tables (in HTML, to preserve image attributes) 3. **If a page entry in the manifest contains a `parent_id` field and I specify a `parent_id` on the command line, which parent ID "wins"?** A parent ID specified in a manifest always overrides a parent ID specified from the command line. ----------- Google Docs ----------- 1. **How do I make a "code block" in a Google Doc?** Make a single-cell (1x1) table and use `Courier New` for the text inside. That table will be converted to a code block. 2. **Some of the headings in the Confluence page for my Google Doc are... off. What's going on?** Check the type of headings you used. Metro doesn't pay attention to font sizes, so if you sized up a smaller heading, that won't translate.