======================================= Using zip files (e.g. with Google Docs) ======================================= .. * Copyright (c) 2018, salesforce.com, inc. * All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause Another easy way to import stuff into Confluence is to hand it a zip file with converted documents and specify a parent page under which the documents will live. Each of these documents becomes a Confluence page under the parent page. .. code-block:: bash ./import_pages -z converted_stuff.zip -p -u You only need to provide a parent `page ID`_ if your manifest includes pages that don't have *parent_id* fields. If you specify a parent page with *-p*, the *parent_id* field in the manifest overrides the parent page you provide with this option. To get a Confluence page ID, click *...* on that page's menu bar and select *Page Information*. The page ID is the last portion of the URL for the resulting page. You can do a lot more with the importer. For details, get usage information from *import_pages* with .. code-block:: bash ./import_pages --help .. _page ID: https://confluence.atlassian.com/confkb/how-to-get-confluence-page-id-648380445.html